Product Information
What do we offer?
As a 3 generation Homestead, we work together to provide eggs, beef, pork, goat meat, maple syrup, and raw dairy for our surrounding community.
How do I shop?
Come visit our self-serve farmstand! Open Wednesday-Sunday 9 a.m. until sundown.
What if I can't find what I'm looking for in the farm stand?
Ask Mariah, by calling or texting 207-459-6318.
Maple Syrup
Quart $27
Pork returning end of October/beginning of November '23
Ground Beef $12/lb
Bratwurst Link $14/lb
Keilbasa Links $14/lb
6oz. Burger Patties $ 15/lb
Porterhouse Steak $24/lb
T-bone Steak $20/lb
Sirloin Steak $19/lb
Eye Round Steak $14/lb
Tenderloin Steak $26/lb
Short Ribs $ 9/lb
Flank Steak $18/lb
Kabobs $16/lb
Ribeye Steak $22/lb
Stew meat $9/lb
Soup bones $7/lb
Roasts coming soon!
Returning soon!
Maple Menu
Quart Jar $26
Pint $17
Half pint: $12
Animal Raising Practices
How do we raise our animals for consumption, you ask?
When an animal is born on the farm, they are dam raised. This is when the mom provides all the nutrients the baby needs via her milk. The baby will learn from mom or other like animals how to eat hay and grain, as well as drink water.
Yes, you heard that right we feed grain. We specifically feed Poulin grain from VT, because it is a regionally based company, providing our animals the nutrients they require based on our region. We believe that by feeding our animals grain they will gain the needed vitamins and minerals that our grasslands essentially lack. Let's face it, our soil is not what it once was, and giving grain helps our animals grow to their best potential! Providing you and your family quality family-raised meats.